Routine Skin Cancer Screening
Skin cancers are among the most prevalent in the United States, but they are also among the most treatable cancers, especially when they are detected early. A routine skin cancer screening is recommended at least once a year to detect early warning signs of cancer. Spectrum Dermatology of Atlanta can perform a skin cancer screening as part of any exam when you visit our medical clinic in Alpharetta.
Early detection of skin cancer greatly increases your chances of successful treatment. Since skin cancer frequently occurs among those of every skin tone, it is wise to watch for any unusual skin conditions, moles or sores that develop. Any changes in a mole’s size, shape or color should be reported to your dermatologist for an in-depth evaluation. Sores that do not heal or any other irritating skin condition should also be examined by a physician.
Schedule Your Skin Cancer Screening Today
Dr. Susan Spitzler and Dr. Emma Murad, our board certified dermatologists at Spectrum Dermatology of Atlanta, recommend that everyone have a routine skin cancer screening at least once a year, as part of a regular checkup or part of another treatment. Those with a history of skin cancer should have them more often, as recommended by your doctor.
Dr. Murad or Dr. Spitzler can perform a thorough visual examination and closely inspect any suspicious-looking areas or moles and may recommend further testing, such as a skin sample or biopsy. Early detection of skin cancer increases the likelihood of your treatments being successful and far less invasive.
Call or message us online at Spectrum Dermatology of Atlanta to ask about scheduling a routine skin cancer screening or adding this evaluation to your already scheduled appointment. A skin cancer screening only takes a few moments, but it could save your life.