Dermaplaning Treatment
Dermaplaning is a common skin treatment for creating smooth, youthful-looking skin. It is minimally invasive in that it uses an exfoliating blade to gently skim dead skin cells and hair from your face. Spectrum Dermatology of Atlanta offers professional dermaplaning treatment by our skilled and talented aesthetician.
Dr. Susan Spitzler and Dr. Emma Murad are our board-certified dermatologists who are happy to consult with you about your aesthetic concerns. They can create a customized treatment plan to help you combat the signs of aging and eliminate scars and blemishes for a bright, smooth, and healthy appearance to your skin. One of the treatments they may recommend is dermaplaning.
Dermaplaning treatments use a special type of skin-safe blade to clear away dead skin. This includes the surface layers that contain scars, pockmarks, and other blemishes. Dermaplaning can be used for any skin type and anyone with:
- Acne scars
- Dull skin
- Sun-damaged skin
- Fine wrinkles
Dermaplaning for Improved Skin Appearance
Some healing time is required after your dermaplaning treatment, and your practitioner at Spectrum Dermatology of Atlanta will provide aftercare instructions during your appointment. They will also apply a healing serum and sunscreen. You should avoid excessive sunlight for at least 24 hours after your treatment.
We may recommend more than one dermaplaning treatment as part of your overall skincare treatment plan; they may also combine it with other aesthetic treatments. Call today or message us online at Spectrum Dermatology of Atlanta, and schedule a dermaplaning consultation and treatment.