As the summer break nears its end, your kids will be trading in their swimsuits for alarm clocks. As parents, you may be thinking about buying school supplies, getting haircuts or squeezing in a dental appointment before the first day of school. However, in your haste to get your kids “back-to-school ready,” don’t forget about their skin.
While it may get overlooked, your child’s skin is the largest organ in their body. Its condition impacts their health, appearance and overall well-being. In fact, there are many skin conditions that can be a major distraction for your child during school. To avoid disruptive skin issues at the beginning of the school year, our dermatologists recommend adding the following to your back-to-school list:
Buy smart skin care products. As you stock up skin care products for the school year, be sure to purchase the right types of shampoo, lotions and soaps for your child’s skin. This means considering sensitive skin, eczema issues or acne problems when choosing each skin care product.
Watch for new rashes or sudden itching. Anytime there is a transition in environment (such as going back to school), there is a risk for new allergens and skin irritations. Whether it is the brand of hand sanitizer in the classroom or a fungal infection lingering in the locker room, it is important to pay extra attention to your child’s skin in the first weeks of school. Call a dermatologist if there is a new rash, redness or unusual bumps on the skin.
Get a jumpstart on teen acne. If you have a middle schooler or high schooler, the most common skin condition you’ll encounter is acne. it may also be one that your teen suddenly becomes aware of when they return to school amongst their peers. The sooner you can get acne under control, the less likely it will worsen and cause unsightly scarring in later year. Keep in mind that acne treatments should be customized to each child, and not all store-bought products are effective. Our dermatologists can help!
Don’t retire the sunscreen. While you may not be greasing up your child for a day at the pool, the sun is still out and shining bright at the start of the school year. Although most hours will be spent indoors, make sure your child’s skin is protected from harmful UV rays at recess, class transitions and the bus stop. Just one sunburn can increase your child’s risk for skin cancer.
Need help getting your child’s skin ready for the new school year? Call Spectrum Dermatology of Atlanta in Alpharetta. We provide comprehensive skin care for your entire family!
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